We are 5

We are 5


We’re celebrating 5 years since our launch!! It’s been a crazy year for us all, we have loved trying new colours with our re:claimed collections and can’t wait to hear your thoughts on our first knitwear collection! In the past year we have also grown our team; there’s 4 of us now! We are so grateful to you all for helping us to grow. We thought this was a good opportunity to introduce you to our team…

from left to right we have; Ellen, Jess, Karen & Nyree.



Over the past 5 years, Karen has shown that it takes a great deal of hard work and determination to make your own business work. Nyree and Jess often joke that they don’t know how Karen keeps up with herself. But, with a million things to do at all times, Karen keeps on top of everything effortlessly while still having time to respond to SOS messages from her team. Karen, as a founder, has empowered her team to find confidence in their abilities, and makes Taylor Yates a fulfilling dream for all of us. Karen has created a relationship with her team, and customers, that means we all truly feel like part of the TY family. 



It’s not often that you actually see the faces behind a brand,  but you couldn’t say that about Ellen. If you’ve visited us in-store you’ve likely chatted to Ellen, and if you have, you can tell how passionate she is about Taylor Yates and their work. At only 24 years old Ellen has shown her commitment, maturity and dedication to Taylor Yates. Whether it’s designing the bags, modelling in front of the camera, or the less glamorous tasks of having your own business (accounting is her fave we’ve heard!) Ellen shows how her skills lend themselves to all areas of Taylor Yates, while always making the Bushmills Studio a fun place to work. 


Store Manager

Our amazing store manager, Nyree, joined us in April just after the lockdown was lifted. Nyree has over 22 years of experience in the retail industry, she has brought new levels of organisation to the TY team, she loves a to-do list and customer service is her superpower Nyree also introduced us to the ‘happy dance’, a tradition that we think we’ll keep forever now.  If you’ve been in-store with us in Bushmills, you’ll definitely recognise Nyree’s smiling face, we will try and get her online more in 2022 too.


Marketing & Content Creator

Jess joined the team in July, after graduating from university in Edinburgh earlier in the month. Jess instantly got to work, getting to know all things Taylor Yates, creating content, keeping the wheels of the TY Social channels moving and generally helping get things done. Jess has a ‘can do attitude’ and is always ready with new ideas. As a team we have come to love her ‘squeals of delight’ when we get a new colour or design in, she is also now a complete professional at photoshoots having helped with 3 in the last month!

 We are so grateful to everyone who owns a Taylor Yates bag and has joined the #TYfam. Thank you for supporting our business over the last 5 years, we believe this is only the beginning for us. 


To celebrate we have created a 5th birthday playlist so you can get in the party spirit with us!

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